After a long break, it is time to get back into the writing saddle. Polvo, our speciality coffee bar in the heart of Knysna, has opened its doors and I have shared the entire process here. Now it is time to move on. This blog was always intended to show what an author gets up to when not writing. So here goes…
Every year my wife and I choose a theme that best describes our intentions for that year. It’s not unlike a resolution, but in many ways it is also different. Let me explain. For 2014 we decided on ADVENTURE as our theme. Whatever we did throughout the year had a sense of adventure about it. Be it operations, resigning work, opening a new business, launching a new novel, or buying a new car. We simply committed ourselves to having fun and enjoying the decisions we made.

For 2015 our theme is GIVING. So how have we resorted to bringing about this benevolent value in our daily lives? On a personal level, we have committed ourselves to giving our time to others, whether they mean only to talk about their personal issues or just wish to vent. On a business front, I wanted to make myself available for community and outreach projects?

So, in light of our new theme, I began January by getting behind the Project Colour SA team. These 7 matric students travelled from Johannesburg to Cape Town in 3 TukTuks, raising funds for St Francis orphanage along the way. I arranged for them to do a pit stop at Polvo along the way and shared with others about what they are doing. Everything was a bit rushed at the end, but it was still the start of a year of giving.

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The team from Project Colour SA enjoying a decent cup of coffee at Polvo Coffee Bar in Knysna.

I believe 2015 has so much in store. So much beauty, so much passion. This year I want to add to that beauty and that passion. I encourage others to do the same. Push yourself a bit. Keep reading to see what else we get up to this year. For February we will be doing what currently seems like another first for South Africa.

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